Most ‘Strayans are considered by the rest of the world to be warm and friendly (when they are not considered to be boisterous louts). This by and large is true in any location frequented by Tourists, or in cities. In many places you will be considered a rubberneck and regarded with suspicion until you become a familiar local (which means you were born there). Regardless, most ‘Strayan’s will say hello, so don’t be shy.
If you are female, Scandinavian and display well developed jugs, you will be warmly welcomed as the centre of attention wherever there are blokes present.
G’Day: Hello (good day)
Howdy: Hello (How do you do)
Ow yer goin?: How are you going?
This is not really a question asked with any interest in a genuine answer, in fact the speaker really couldn’t give two knobs of goat shit how you are going, he is just greeting you. simply reply with not bad, even if this is not true (nobody likes a whinger).
'Ow They (H)angin’?:
How are you? Refers to one’s balls. Also ‘Ow’s it (h)angin’?, referring to one’s purple helmeted custard chucker (which see in WANNA ROOT?). Again, simply reply with not bad
Waddaya Know?:
What Do You Know, see ‘Ow Yer Goin’?
Not Bad: Very good. Outstanding. Couldn’t be better.
(This is also the highest form of compliment one can receive in response to an enquiry regarding the quality of anything, so don’t be off put by it’s apparent off-handedness.)
Buggered Broke And Bewildered!:
An alternative reply to “’Ow yer goin’?” in the case where the speaker feels tired, underpaid and overworked.
Shit Stinks, Eggs Don’t Bounce And You Can’t Buy Generals At A General Store:
As above, a non-serious reply, this time in response to the greeting whaddaya know?
Mate: Any person, friend or foe.
Bloke: An alternative means of address to mate, as in “G’Day Bloke, ‘ow yer goin’?”. Also the noun for a man (see bloke and sheila in CHEWING THE FAT).
Ol(d) Mate: Unique to southwest and central Queensland. Usually a means of referring to a third person, as in “Ol’ Mate wants to see ya.”, although also used occasionally as an alternative to mate or bloke as above.
Cobber: A friend,
This pleasant, uniquely ‘Strayan word is unfortunately not very commonly used since Paul Hogan’s tourist commercials, aimed squarely at affluent Seppos (which see in WHERE’RE YA FROM MATE?) and a few corny movies depicting ‘Strayans calling each other mate parrot fashion and throwing a few shrimp on the Barbie (which see).
Me Ol’ China: See mate.
Know Ya? I’d Know Your Skin If I Saw It Hanging On A Bush!:
Yes I know you.
Ta: Thank you.
Sandshoes: See Ta. Rhyming slang for thank you.
Too Right!: Yes or quite correct.
Oi!: A means of attracting attention, usually over considerable distance. Can mean hello, excuse me, you!, STOP! Etcetera. Most often, oi!, is a way of summonsing someone for the purpose of administering a stern telling off, that is to say, a prelude to the speaker coming the raw prawn (which see in STICKS AND STONES).
Also the only word in the second verse of ‘Straya’s universal sports anthem: Ozzy!, Ozzy!, Ozzy!. Oi!, Oi!, Oi!…This anthem is kept simple as a means of accommodating those people, especially in the case of footy (which see in RECREATION ), who are representative of the intellect and non-erect walking posture common among sports spectators and players.
Ooroo: Goodbye.
See ooroo. Similar sound to ‘copulate’, meaning to root (which see in WANNA ROOT?), can result in offence being taken in some circles.
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